Quicker • Leaner • Smarter • Greener - The next step in the journey to zero energy housing. As seen on Today Tonight. Call 1300 300 099

It’s time to modernise how Australian homes are built, due to changing consumer tastes and the need for more efficient construction methods. The InsulLiving® system offers the opportunity for progressive builders to meet the communities changing needs, with an efficient and effective system that still delivers the aesthetic standards of the community.

A knowledgeable builder will be able to satisfy the growing market for sustainable residential buildings whilst saving money in labour costs, as they construct energy efficient homes to meet Australian climatic conditions.

Boost Your Business With InsulLiving®


Achieving the minimum Energy Star Rating (and often exceeding it) is easy with the InsulLiving® system, due to the premium insulation qualities of InsulWall® and SolarSpan® products.


The InsulLiving® system means an smoother build, as the panels are made to measure, and can then be easily assembled on site. Easy handling and quick, simple installation keep construction time to a minimum.


The 'all-in-one' nature of the InsulLiving® panels mean you deal directly with one supplier, instead of servicing accounts for a timber merchant, installation supplier, roofing supplier, truss manufacturer, brick sales, and so on.


The InsulLiving® system makes construction easier. The panels are flat packed and don’t need the skills of a framer to ensure the walls are always flat and straight.


The InsulWall® and SolarSpan® panels can be erected faster than a brick and mortar home. Depending on the home size and location, construction times can take as little as 12 weeks.


Location will no longer be a barrier to your choice of customers, due to the flatpack nature of this system. A standard sized house could be delivered anywhere in Australia on a ‘B-Double’ truck, with fewer deliveries, as there as fewer components.


As the InsulLiving® system is fully engineered and has been rigorously tested; the onus is not on the builder for his tradespeople or frame suppliers mistakes. Certifications and approvals are made easy, as the InsulLiving® system is Codemark certified CM40033.

InsulWall® Panels


InsulWall® panels are made exclusively with innovative BlueScope steel and offer builders a simple, ‘all-in-one’ product.

InsulWall® panels combine 90mm or 140mm of insulation between two steel skins, which can be easily locked together. These innovative panels allow direct rendering on the outside and painting on the inside, without costly and time consuming additional layers

SolarSpan® Panels

SolarSpan® panels feature a high tensile COLORBOND steel top skin with an attractive roof profile, a polystyrene core, ranging from 50mm to 150mm thick for insulation and a flat or lightly profiled pre-painted COLORBOND SURFMIST finish underside.

Call us now on 1300 300 099